Book Cover

Religious Extremism in the Lives of Contemporary Muslims

Author: Dr. Abdul Rahmaan Ibn Mualaa Al-Luwaihiq Al-Mutairi

Translator: Jamaal Al-Din Zarabozo

Description: In Religious Extremism in the Lives of Contemporary Muslims, Dr. Shaikh Abdul-Rahman al-Luwaithq focuses on various manifestations of extremism, particularly in the Arab world, but notes that many of these ideas are also found in Muslim communities globally. The book addresses topics of concern for Muslim minorities in the West, such as the definition and parameters of extremism from a Shareeah perspective, the importance and rulings surrounding hijrah, the acceptability of taqleed, the concept of the jamaah, and the conditions for declaring a Muslim a disbeliever. Dr. al-Luwaithq presents these issues from the perspective of the scholars of ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jamaah, providing detailed explanations and relevant evidence for differing viewpoints before determining the strongest stance. He critically evaluates extremist views by allowing them to be presented in their own words before offering a thorough analysis of their errors. This balanced and insightful approach makes the work an excellent resource for addressing these critical issues.